Sunday, 25 April 2010

Life Tip #123: Never Marry An Eldest Child

When I was 12, my dad told me,

"Rudi, if you want to have a happy marriage, never marry another eldest child." 

For the record, I'm the eldest child in my family of 2 children.

Sweeping statements aside, to my 12 year old mind, my father's musings were nothing short of gospel truth and every sliver of advice he gave me - I held on to with all my heart, mind and soul. 

His concept stemmed from the stereotypical notions of the following:

Eldest child: domineering, dominant, used to getting his/her way, prone to leadership

Middle child: Highly independent, prone to taking initiative, creative (based on the presumption that the middle child is usually, relatively, the most neglected sibling)

Youngest child: Compromising, tolerant, giving, a good follower (tends to be untrue if the youngest child is of a different sex from his older sibling(s))

Only child: Lone ranger, tends to operate on a solo basis, prefers solitude, similar to the eldest child character in some aspects. 

Thus, based on the above stereotypes (which I disclaim, may be wildly untrue in various cases), my father's formula for marital bliss was for an eldest child (a leader) to marry a youngest child (a follower). This idea is akin to the saying "too many cooks spoil the broth" - if two dominant personalities come together, both unable to hand over the leadership helm to the other, it would be a recipe for disaster. 

On the other hand, if two youngest children got together, the relationship would lack direction, as both may be more keen on compromising and giving leeway to another instead of setting down concrete direction for the relationship to move in. 

Middle children, on the other hand, would be wild cards, in the sense that they tend to be the independent, dare I say - rogues. Thus, their personalities may not be as easily definable as they fall across a much wider behavioral palette.  

At the end of the day, as my feeble 12 year old mind gradually underwent limited bursts of maturity, I came to the epiphany that there are no absolutes in this world we inhabit. Many environmental factors, such as friends, religion, community, education, exposure to media, etc are strong factors in influencing the ultimate result of each individual's personality traits. Generalizing, stereotyping and demarcating based on preconceived notions will only serve to limit our pool of wonderful potential partners out there. 

After all, I married an eldest child.


Xiaopei said...

My friend told me this before :)

Tze Ling said...

i haven't heard of this. both me & my bf eldest child too, how? haha! oh well, fate...

Ken Wooi said...

well.. it may be true to a certain degree.. but not all eldest child will be dominant i guess.. =)

Yi Ning said...

I've come across those stereotypes so often! I do think that there is some element of truth to the descriptions of each child's 'nature', but there are so many factors which will contribute to their true characters. For example, if an eldest child has always been pushed to set an example for his/her siblings and expected to excel in all areas, they may end up NOT wanting to take on a leadership role and just looking to rely on somebody else to lead the way. I think alot of it boils down to parenting, and what kinds of environments people are brought up in.

Btw, Congratulations on your wedding, Rudi! Here's wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness with your beautiful wife! :D

Unknown said...


well i do see some of that characters in my family..

my sister is insanely bossy

my youngest sister tend to be complient.

while the rest of us, are quite creative in our own ways, my younger sister in her drawing, my brother in his music, myself in my writings...

TzeThon said...

oops. nobody is going to marry me now.

Rudi said...

xiaopei: i swear i didn't copy your friend. lol.

tzeling: haha its okay la. my wife also eldest child. dont go and break up with him just cause of this k..

kenwooi: true true, there're ALWAYS exceptions

Yi Ning: yi ning! again, uve turned my chauvunist gobbledygook into a sensible objective thesis.btw, havent spoken to u for so long. wanted to ask you something actually. will ask u on facebook soon. and thanks for your kind wishes :)

budlee: u said it brother!

zthon: don't worry. hardly anyone reads this blog..

Tze Ling said...

rudi, haha!!! don worry, i won't break up wif my bf coz of this. btw, do u believe those star signs?

Yi Ning said...

Lol Rudi at the gobbledegook!
Ask away :)

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