Thursday, 15 April 2010

Life Tip #122: Why People With Small Heads Look Taller

Straight Eye for the Straight Guy's Museum of Curiosities Presents... 

The Theory of :-

Why People With Small Heads Look Taller

Have you ever been befuddled by how two people can seemingly be of the same metric height, yet one can look much taller than the other?

The next time you encounter such an anomaly, compare their head sizes. Chances are, the taller-looking fella's head is visibly smaller than his equally tall but shorter-looking compatriot's! 

Genius? I know!

If words could speak, pictures would scream:

Apart from my phenomenal artistic talent, the picture above clearly demonstrates how human beings perceive the illusion of height. On first glance, our minds subconsciously estimate how tall a person is by how many heads tall he is. 

Both figurines are of the same height, yet the smaller headed figurine, whom we shall call Sergio is 7 heads tall, whereas his larger headed friend (Mr. Brown) is 5 heads tall

An average runway model is 8 heads tall, which goes to show the value of proportions in many aesthetic aspects of modern life. 

A masseur once told me that stress and thinking too much can lead to the swelling of your cranium, so ladies and gentlemen... take it easy.

Once again, this is Straight Eye for the Straight Guy
signing off.


Jorge said...

Cool, new information. Now i know why lol

erwinator said...

true. so does people with fine bones. lol!

Unknown said...

quite true...

i have a big head and people swear they are taller than me, even though we are the same height..


Travis said...

This works the other way around as well. If an exceptionally presumptuous and stupid person sees a picture of you and does not take into account the possibility of your being extraordinarily tall, he or she might conclude that your head is disproportionately small. Most NBA players would appear microcephalic if this were not taken into acocunt.

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