Tuesday 18 May 2010

Style Tip #257: How to Wear Cologne

There may not be anything more deal-breaking in this world than a person who smells funky.

How good you smell actually sends subconscious signals to members of the opposite sex as to how healthy and suitable you are as a potential mate. There are many ways to change the way you smell (and ultimately, your overall attractiveness to the opposite sex):

  • diet (yay Indian food!
  • a shower 
  • and of course, cologne 

Or pheromone spray, if you believe in that stuff. 

I wrote an article a while back about the different species of cologne available. And now, for your exclusive perusal, a little 101 about how to wear it. 

How much?

Never more than 2 spritzes.

Nobody outside a 4 feet radius of you should even be able to detect a hint of your cologne. You want to smell like a hint of olfactory bliss, not like you bathed in liquid air freshener. 


The best areas to apply cologne are on the base of the throat, the inner wrist, and the back of the ears. These are your pulse points, ie. areas with a high concentration of blood vessels, thus optimizing the intensity of your cologne. 

An alternative method of applying cologne is to get naked (not so fast), spray 2 spritzes into the air directly in front of you, and then walk through the mist. 


The best time to apply cologne is right after a nice, warm shower. Not only would you have prepared a clean fragrance free (avoid using overly scented shower gels/soaps) canvas for your cologne to create a masterpiece on, applying cologne after a shower also helps to keep the fragrance lasting longer. This is because the tiny little pores all over your body dilate after a warm shower, thus maximizing the rate of fragrance absorption afterwards.  

"Since I discovered cologne, my life has never been the same!"


I'm not exactly a tour de force on colognes, but over the years, I've found that the following three classic fragrances work for almost any man - Acqua di Gio, Chanel Allure Homme Sport and Ralph Lauren Blue


What do you mean why???

Ha ha. I know you weren't gonna ask that, I just had to end with something less serious.


shazzy said...

How come your top three isn't the same as mine?

Rudi said...

whats your top 3?

Unknown said...

i love the first one

always smell fresh on anyone

eula_w said...

Great read in here. I believe in pheromones because I am using it.

According to scientists, different humans exude different quantities of pheromones. The more pheromone a man or a woman exudes, the more attractive they can get.

human pheromones

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