Sunday, 14 March 2010


The FreeDictionary defines a poseur as "a person who poses". Extremely helpful.

While a poseur is more easily spotted than defined, here are 3 quick and easy ways to look like one.

Wearing Sunglasses Indoors

This doesn't apply if you:
  1. make millions every year starring in films
  2. play professional tennis for a living
  3. have just undergone LASIK surgery
  4. are blind

But if you're none of the above, then this is perhaps the quickest way to get you into douchebag territory.

Wayyy too cool for school.


Regardless of whether you're built like Brock Lesnar or DJ Qualls, nothing says "I'm too sexy for my shirt" more than wearing a tanktop to the mall.

Dressing attractively involves letting your audience's imagination do most of the work. Shoving your biceps and hairy armpits into public view isn't going to leave much room for that.

To the 3 gentlemen in the photo:, if you're reading this, please don't kill me.

Popping Your Collar

Why stop at one?

Fifty years ago, doing this would actually up your cool ante, with a certain gentleman taking most of the credit for that trend.

But that certain gentleman is now 64 and even he doesn't pop his collar anymore.

Does anything else spell p-o-s-e-u-r to you? Drop me a line.


Anonymous said...

yeah, rudi cheu spells poseur!
Just kidding bro!

hseng said...

who is the certain gentleman you were talking about?

Rudi said...

it's Fonzie from the old sitcom "Happy Days"


i'm a poseur!

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