Thursday, 4 March 2010

Style Tip #254: V-Neck Tees

The next time you're out shopping for tee-shirts, try ditching the round neck for the V-neck variety. Just a suggestion.

The rationale behind my proposal is that unlike round necks, the "V" cutting visually elongates the neck of the wearer, thus giving a vertically slimming illusion of height. Coupled with the fact that a V-neck also looks somewhat sleeker owing to the sharper edges created by its frame, it wouldn't be an entirely absurd move to convert your entire repertoire of tee shirts to V-necks.

Rule of thumb: If famous people are wearing it (in a casual context), it's probably OK.

Topman, Bershka and Zara carry a good collection, with Topman sporting a range of "baseball" style V-neck tees which in my opinion are already too common on the streets of Asian countries like Malaysia.

Bershka is selling a range of loose-fitting "labourer" style semi-V neck tees with some nice detail around the sleeve area. My personal favourite.

And finally Zara carries a range of "Super Slim Fit" V-neck tees cut to narrowly taper to the shape of your build.

Lastly, be sure to avoid the "douchebag" neck variety - which essentially are "super-low" V necks. As a rule of thumb, if your man-cleavage is visible, so is your douchebag-ness.

But if you insist, consider shaving.


Danielsee said...

I find ur blog very practical n it does shed light on how to dress better for a guy.keep on writing,bro. Long long time did not see you.met you in acts church b4 u went to uk to study.

Hseng said...

I have come to the conclusion after reading your imparts on the v necks for men that you, Rudi Cheu Teck Rule, cannot possibly be straight. I mean OMW, "thus giving a vertically slimming illusion of height." It is not only a slap in the face, it is a slap in the ass(a man's ass to keep to the theme)that shouts a 'broken wrist' nay.. a 'limp wrist' as broken would be excusable.
That said, redeemingly the part about the douchebag v neck redeemed you. Good one Ruds ;)

Rudi said...

danielsee: whoa dude u remember me? that was a long time ago. :) thanks for dropping by!

hseng: "OMW" - good stuff. haha straight guys want 2 be vertically slim as well, dont they?

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