Desire is a beautiful thing.
The desire to say "I am not going to do this to myself anymore."
The desire to want to be healthy. To want to be fit. To want to be happy.
The desire to be free from sickness, disease, fatigue.
The desire to be, in every sense of the word, the best man that you can possibly be.
The desire to want change.
Simply put, if you don't want something with every drop of your heart and soul, you are not going to get it. If that's you, stop reading here.
Still here? Great.
Most people going on a weight-loss diet quit within the first 3 months.
Some engage in crash diets, lose a ton of weight, and then balloon up in equal or less the amount of time they spent dieting in the first place.
That's because most of us adopt short-term solutions. We want to lose 10kg within the next 4 weeks. We want to trim 4 inches off our waist by July.
The problem is, we don't see past those 4 weeks. We don't see past July. Once we lose the weight we want to lose, we go back to our old ways.
There are others who adopt diets that are just plain dangerous (e.g. cutting out carbohydrates completely, going on an all-protein diet, etc) and cannot be kept up in the long run without either driving you nuts or running you the risk of premature death.
Thus, I'm not here to set you a weight loss/gain target or recommend you the latest fad diet out there.
I'm here for something much more... monumental. Yet practical and realistic.
I'm here to advocate a lifestyle change.
A permanent lifestyle change.
A lifestyle change that will revolutionize virtually every single aspect of your life, be it your physical fitness, your mental vigor and even your relationships.
So why 3 months?
Because, chances are, if you're consistent throughout the span of the next 3 months, you're going to be consistent for the long run.
So if you're ready, mark down day one on your calendar and join me on this journey of self-renewal.
Because you chose to,
Your life changes now.
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