Monday 11 August 2008

Honey Do I Look Fat In This?

I was talking to a good friend the other day, and she told me a tale of an acquaintance of hers who is going on a one-apple-a-meal diet in order to lose weight to please her boyfriend. And this said acquaintance was originally not even anywhere near overweight. It broke my heart.


I have the utmost respect and understanding for the everyday woman's struggle in weight loss - society and pop culture ingrains in women the desire to be as thin as models gracing magazine covers and working the runways, and in men, the need to be broad and muscular like every big-screen action hero. Our culture has effectively dictated that women need to be rake thin and men need to be lean and mean in order to be loved and deemed as attractive. And we know everybody just wants to be loved :)

Sad to say, the trend towards the ideal man is healthier by leaps and bounds as compared to the expectations placed on the fairer sex. In order to achieve society's desired template, men are driven to put in hours exercising at the gym and eating copious amounts of food (an important qualification being some who pump themselves silly with supplements and steroids). On the other hand, in order to achieve the look of the "ideal woman", ladies are pushed towards a lifestyle of self-starvation and self-denial of the most basic of human indulgences - Ben & Jerry's, Cheesecake, Apple pie, Sarawak Laksa... opting instead to go to such lengths as eating a wheat biscuit and watercress leaves for lunch! And when you encounter such statistics as 1 in 200 American women are suffering from anorexia, it becomes evident that striving to become the ideal woman is supremely more unhealthy than the quest to become the ideal man.

I am here because I feel the status quo must be changed before many more innocent lives are put at stake for this very false idea of beauty. Curvier and more voluptuous women appeal to a broad range of men owing to inbuilt instincts that characterize ample bosoms and full posteriors as indications of fertility and health. Girls, I speak as an individual and I believe I also speak collectively for a substantial (if not the majority) part of the male race when I say -

The waif look is not attractive.

"The skinny woman doesn't appeal to me. If you visit the Renaissance Palaces in France, you'll see that attractive women are depicted as being of normal/larger size. The world is changing." - Stephen, 50, Corporate Executive.

"I think girls who are too thin miss out on the chance of developing secondary sexual traits which clearly ruin their looks. HAHA." - Arther, 20, Law Student.

"Skinny doesnt seem healthy. Skinny seems like skin and bones, so my answer have to be no, I do not find the skinny girls attractive." - Keat, 23, Mama's Boy.

"I don't like chubby girls nor do I like skinny girls. I like my women healthy!" - Praveen, 22, Dude.

"Nope, I've never fancied skinny models. I like meaty girls. Runway models are like ornaments - only for display purposes." - James, 26.

"Wellll.. I don't actually think that they are beautiful being that skinny. If anything, it puts me off. BUT it just so happens that most of the waif skinny chicks have very beautiful 'TV faces' which is why people forget that they are uglier than they appear... if that makes sense." - Hseng, 21, Stud (short for student).

Personally, I'm not advocating binge eating and pigging-out to pack on the pounds, as that would be equally as unhealthy. Instead, in my opinion, the most attractive women are often those who adopt healthy lifestyles characterized by a good wholesome diet and plenty of exercise. Such women are the real man's dream of a physically and emotionally complete woman, and are more likely to be confident, fulfilled and a joy to be around. And even if you're not exactly 'yoga-fit', have no fear, as I did a Google image search for the terms "attractive woman", and 9 out of 10 results represented women of normal or voluptuous build - try it for yourself! (Remember to keep 'Safesearch' on, people.)

So girls, it's not a big deal if your waist is 4 inches wider than Gisele's or if your thighs look like boulders compared to Naomi's. On behalf of all men in the world, I vow that the male race will love you for you, and that we can only grow to love you more the more you love yourself :)

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