Wednesday 19 January 2011

Men of Color

An anomaly has always existed that reinforces the notion that man (woman) is never satisfied

White people want to become tan people. And tan people (comprised of mostly Asian people) want to become white (fair) people. 

I don't know about the blacks though. Y'all be rockin' whatever look God throws at you. Heck, black people are probably the only people who look good with a chrome dome

But reverting to the matter at hand, we observe that:

7% of women (or men) prefer their men fair.

23% of women (or men) prefer their men to be neither here nor there. A little salt and pepper, as they say. I don't know if that maxim applies to skin color... but anyway,

A majority (42%) want their man to be tan (I think I have natural rapping talent).

And 26% of you want to get with a black guy.


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