Tuesday 8 June 2010

Whiskey for Hair Growth!

More than once in my life, I've been told that rubbing whiskey/brandy on your face is guaranteed (a word that has lost all value) to make you grow facial hair.

Though, I've seen my fair share of chronic drunkards without a sliver of facial hair. They probably either drink their alcohol with extreme decorum and care or just aren't drinking the right drinks. 

In any case, Straight Eye for the Straight Guy recently polled 45 readers on their facial hair preferences

The majority (35%) were of the stand that a little bit of facial growth is the way to go.

Now for the vast majority of Asian men like myself, who at best, can only grow facial hair that has been termed by the ladies as "insufficient"... woe is us.

But wait! Hope arrives valiantly in the form of the second highest polled option - 28% of voters liked us "clean & shiny" folk - a look that the Chinese have perfected over generations of living in sterile environments that did away with the evolutionary need for facial hair.*

Only 4 people thought that being "follicularly blessed" was an actual blessing, disproving the notion that more is more when it comes to facial sprouting. Though I'll bet my bottom dollar that the latter 4 voters are not men who have to wake up 20 minutes earlier every morning to whip out cream and a razor sharp Gillette just to work through that plumage that makes its renewed, unwanted appearance every morning on the faces of the dearly blessed. 

And finally, to the remaining 26%:

1 Samuel 16:7 

"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

Good night and God bless. 

*Apparently facial hair is a natural-selection result of living in dustier environments, as it helps to trap and minimize dust from entering the respiratory system. 


HyunChard said...

I wonder why others wanted to undergo permanent hair removal while others want their hair to grow faster. So confusing.

Nelsedos said...

As long as humans exit there are bound to be choices.

Gist me said...

Enter your comment...me I like to have beards ooo

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