Sunday 6 June 2010

Life Tip #125: Take The Lead

As Straight Eye for the Straight Guy has always been a house of controversial statements, I'll say it loud and clear:

Most women don't mind being dominated

Now before anyone starts donning red shirts and burning up the place, let me clarify the context in which I'm making such a statement.

I am personally of the belief that the vast majority of women want a man who can take the lead in the tango-for-two that is the male-female relationship.

The best example is the next time you're out with a mixed group of friends and everyone's deciding where to eat. Don't be the nice-guy who goes "Anywhere's fine with me...". There's unlikely to be any restaurant in the vicinity named "Anywhere" and contrary to popular notion, doing so isn't going to earn you any brownie points with the ladies. 

Being indecisive or going with everybody else's flow (many men do so to be "gentlemen") merely demonstrates the lack of will, direction, strength and all other atypical male-brute attributes that subconsciously make a woman go goo-goo-gaa-gaa. Dare I say, deep down inside the crevasses of every woman's soul lies a variable-sized soft spot for a Conan the Barbarian male-archetype. 

Be the decisive man who says "If nobody is going to decide, I say we eat at <name of generally popular joint which everyone is unlikely to dispute>". 

Women will love you for it. 

But of course, the standard disclaimer paragraph must follow to avoid a potential onslaught.

Although it's generally true that females are attracted to strong, decisive men, the advent of 20th century feminism and gender equality entails that we men must also be adept at striking a fine balance between taking the lead and male chauvunism

Ladies, stop reading here.

My fellow male homo-sapiens - can actually be a chauvunist... but you must never, ever allow a woman to think that you are a chauvunist. That means, despite your inherent chauvunistic mindset;

  • you will never lay a hand on a woman
  • you will never raise your voice at a woman
  • you will never belittle a woman for the fact that she is a woman
  • you will ask her for her opinion (but ultimately make the decision... in light of her opinion, of course)
  • you will not order a woman to do the household chores. But you will love her so good that she'll want to do them for you. And it doesn't hurt to help out once in a while either (because I know you women are reading this even though I told you not to)

In essence, today's man has a tough balancing act to fulfill  - he must be strong, yet gentle. Dominant, yet democratic. Steadfast, yet sensitive.

And today's woman needs to start following instructions..


Anonymous said...

I believe, in light of your post, many men today are rather indecisive. Not knowing even where to eat can sometimes reveal that this man/person has no sense of direction in life.

though this is a harsh & direct way of putting it, it is very true in today's world that men have left the decision-making to the women instead.

well, that's just my 2 cents anyway...

rayven said...

I agree with anonymous.
one of the first biggest turn offs is indecisiveness..the inherent and horrible..
okla...anything...watever u want still puts a huge flame above my head..

however to add;
i do feel that woman nowadays tend to be a tad to heady...wanting to incessantly 'lead' men to the right path..after reading the july post n lookig back its interesting to see that maybe its coz our mothers do the leading in the family..women r increasingly more n more dominant n the end..watever it is..both the man n women have to even out the 'tasks' n roles between them...
hence the beauty of gods given adjoining;);) its always different when 'I' comes out of individual n into commUnity

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