Thursday 28 October 2010

Style Boo-Boos

White Sox

There's nothing really more tragic than a man who is dressed to the nines in an Armani suit, spittin' all the right verses, charming the pants off all the ladies in the room... and then you notice

he's wearing white athletic socks to complete his entire ensemble. 

It's just sad. There's no other way to describe it.

Fellas, if you still keep white socks in your wardrobe that you use for anything other than strenous physical activity... don't. Just don't do it anymore.

Solution: Buy at least 8 pairs (one for each day of the week and one backup extra) of dark (preferably black) socks and use them for every non-sporting occasion where shoes come into play. (Except maybe boat shoes/loafers, but that's another topic for another day.)

Sport shoes & Jeans

Much like keeping white socks within the confines of the gym, athletic shoes shouldn't be used for any other purpose than their namesake: athletic activities.

Unless running speed and mobility are important because you work in an area rampant with snatch thieves or if you're a snatch thief yourself, there is no aesthetic and practical logic in donning sport shoes for non-sport activities. 

Solution: Invest in 2 good pairs of dress shoes for work: black and dark brown leather and a pair of dark brown boat shoes for everyday wear. 

A Walking Advert

Dressing well is about choosing clothes that fit you, complement you and make you look like yourself. Only more handsome. 

Dressing well is not about becoming a walking advertisement for a label.

Avoid clothing that has overt branding all over it. Buying clothes solely to demonstrate what label you're wearing may suggest to others that you're more concerned with status rather than substance. 

Solution: Shop elsewhere. 


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